Tuesday, July 5

What is your favourite sport?

Saturday, July 2

6 Days 5 Nights Shanghai-Suzhou Trip (Part 2)

                            Scene from Jin Mao Tower 88th floor looking down.

         In Suzhou. China Children's Day. Suzhou pupils performed using Guzheng

Group Three's introduction. Our names were written on the board. My name (Hui Ling) and Laryssa's name are there.

                               Mr Hao and Shanghai's tour guide ("Da Xiong")

6 Days 5 Nights Shanghai-Suzhou Trip (Part 1)

                                                    Tong Li Map   

                                           A gift from friends in Shanghai

                                             Beside Jin Mao Tower

                                      Words written on the floor. Er... mm... should be in Suzhou

                                                         Laryssa and Mavis

                                                Students in Shanghai's having their flag raising ceremony

Model of Jin Mao Tower

The cow model in Shanghai Tan. We all went to touch it as Mr Wong said that we will get full marks in our exams if we touch it. Haha!

In a classroom

 A banner that says, "Teachers and Students from Singapore, New Town Primary School, are here for interaction and exchange."

                                       Photo of Group One. There is Zhi Kai and Kar Yu!

Shanghai World Expo China Pavillion 2010

                                           The smallest well in Suzhou.

                                              A gift from friends in Shanghai

From left to right (top to bottom): Mr Wong, Mr Tan, Suzhou Tourguide (Harry), Mr Hao, Mdm Teh, Mdm Ng and Mdm Tee

                                 Kar Yu wearing 4D glasses. We are going to watch a 4D movie.

                                                                            Group 1


Tuesday, April 26

Ice Cream Making!

                                                  Yah!!!!! Our Ice Creams are ready!!!

                                            Ouch! My hands are so cold!! But, Hello!

                                                           Shake, shake, shake!!!

                                    Tsiao Ting, Zhi Kai, Shafi and Afiq are deciding what to do...

                  I shake, I shake, I shake! Naufal think..Go all the way! This crosses Lee Hui's Mind...

                           Yes! Our Ice Cream are ready!!! Hey, open faster and eat our ice cream!!!

                                                      Hehe, our ice cream are also ready!!!

                                        Don't forget about us!! Our ice creams are also ready...

                                Is the ice cream done? Is the ice cream done?

                                          Hey, let's eat our ice cream!!

                                            Recipe for making fried rice. Try this!!!

                                  A clearer recipe for making fried rice....try this too!!!! Wow, a big tick...

Tuesday, March 22

IT Lesson

Si Yuan is slouching on a chair. Bad posture!

Cheng Ee is concentrating on designing her PowerPoint slides.

Rahim and Afridi are helping Afwan.

Extremely messy! Our teacher was very angry with us for not listening to instructions.

Still very messy! We wasted too much time to settle down.

Much better! If only we can be like this all the time.

This is our new friend, Aliyah.

Tuesday, March 8

Snack Time

Samuel and Scott are enjoying their delicious snack. Samuel is grinning from ear to ear.

Tsiao Ting brought some bread for her snack.

Brandon is so excited when Mrs Lee is taking his photo.

Iqbal is eating his cake while looking at the apple. Maybe he is thinking,"I am going to eat you soon!"

Andy opens his mouth and eats his yummy bread. He looks like he is enjoying it.

Why did Larrysa look so shocked?

Friday, February 25

CA 1 Preparation

Next Monday is our English CA 1 test. We are very nervous and worried. We all hope that we can pass our tests with flying colours. Mrs Lee is helping us to revise our work.

Look at how engrossed we are in our work. No more playing! Serious work now!

Laryssa and Scott are discussing about the Comprehension exercise that Mrs Lee has given us.

Mrs Lee always tells us to check the dictionary if we encounter any difficult words. See, Nicholas is doing exactly that!

This is our CA 1 schedule.
  • English 28 Feb: 8am - 9.15am
  • Mathematics 1 Mar: 8am - 9am
  • Mother Tongue 2 Mar: 8am - 9.15am
  • Science 3 Mar: 8am - 9am